Lekang Group is a strong and long-term supplier of high quality filters and contamination monitoring equipment for construction, transport, agriculture, industry, marine, aquaculture, offshore, oil and gas markets. Our vision is to simplify our customers everyday business through knowledge, quality and efficient services.
We simplify our customers’ working days through knowledge, quality and efficient services.
Lekang Group companies
Lekang Filter AS, Norway
Filterteknik Sverige AB, Sweden
Filterteknik A/S, Denmark & Germany
Filterteknik Suomi OY, Finland

Lekang Group is owned by Indutrade AB in Sweden.
We have offices, warehouses, customer service and technical support in Norway, Sweden and Denmark and sales offices in Finland and Germany. Lekang Group have Scandinavia’s largest storage capacity of filters, with 12,000 unique products in stock.
We are 72 people altogether to support you with filter issues, and we have over 50 years of experience within filtration.

Lekang Maskin was founded by the Lekang family, in Norway.
Lekang Maskin AS became Fleetguard filter distributor.
First version of Lekang filtersystem software.
Filterteknik Sverige AB was founded by Gösta Larsson and Egil Lekang.
Filterteknik A/S in Denmark, was founded by Carsten Kildegaard and Egil Lekang.
First customer version of Lekang filtersystem software.
Lekang Maskin AS, Filterteknik Sverige AB, Filterteknik A/S in Denmark form Lekang Group.
Lekang Group was acquired by Indutrade AB
Lekang Maskin AS in Norway change company name to Lekang Filter AS.
Lekang Filter/Lekang Group 50th anniversary.
Filterteknik Sweden establishes the subsidiary Filterteknik Suomi Oy Filterteknik Denmark A/S establish a sales office in Germany