Oil Sampling


Lekang Group offers hydraulic oil and diesel fuel laboratory analyses.

Oil sampling can give you information on your oil quality and contamination level. It provides insight on which proactive actions that should be taken to achieve optimal machine performance, reliability and lowest possible costs. Frequent oil sampling can help to determine critical contamination levels and provide insight in which actions should be taken to achieve optimal machine performance and reliability.

Lekang Group laboratories
Lekang Group laboratories

We offer hydraulic oil and diesel fuel analyses in our laboratories in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Sample bottles need to be clean to get the correct results. We do supply sample bottles (item no. A-FLASKE 250 ml, A-FLASKE 500 l). There are a few locations in a hydraulic system which provide you a representative sample. Good sampling points are:

  • Before pressure filter
  • Return line before filter
  • Oil reservoir